Privacy Policy

Ultimate Travel Solutions site is proposed to the Clients on the express state of acknowledgment of these agreements. The agreements will be considered to comprise a legitimately official agreement between Ultimate Travel Solutions and the Client. On the off chance that these agreements are not satisfactory to the Client, the Client is mentioned to leave Ultimate Travel Solutions site (term as characterized underneath). Ultimate Travel Solutions approves the Client to see the substance accessible on its site The Client isn't allowed to duplicate, repeat, change, subsidiary, show, perform, make subordinate works from, move or sell any data got from Ultimate Travel Solutions site, whether on paper, visual or electronic structure, for any reason at all, without the earlier composed authorization, at the sole watchfulness of Ultimate Travel Solutions. Clients may not utilize Ultimate Travel Solutions' site, or any miniature webpage contained in, or some other Ultimate Travel Solutions possessed site available using (which are all on the whole alluded as 'Ultimate Travel Solutions site'), for any reason that is unlawful or that is generally disallowed by these states of purpose.

Clients should not:

Exchange the administrations gave in A definitive Travel Arrangements site, Utilize A definitive Travel Arrangements site to make any theoretical, bogus or deceitful Booking Utilize A definitive Travel Arrangements site in order to impede others' utilization of A definitive Travel Arrangements site.

Ultimate Travel Solutions doesn't warrant or address that utilization of A definitive Travel Arrangements site or its web-based booking office or any outsider installment frameworks utilized for making installments to Ultimate Travel Solutions will be continuous or mistake free or that any data, information, content, programming or other material open through A definitive Travel Arrangements site will be liberated from bugs, infections, worms, deceptions or other destructive parts.

That's what clients address, except if generally explicitly allowed by Ultimate Travel Solutions, A definitive Travel Arrangements site and every one of the items and administrations presented by Ultimate Travel Solutions, including without restriction, are intended for individual and non-business utilize just, and can't be rearranged by them to any individual not approved to get something very similar.

Clients address that they are of adequate legitimate age to utilize this help, and they have the lawful right and capacity to make restricting commitments for any responsibility that they might cause because of the utilization of this assistance. Clients comprehend that they are monetarily answerable for all purposes of this assistance by them and those utilizing their login data.

Clients will direct all use of the booking office under their name or record. Clients warrant that all data provided by them and individuals from their family in utilizing the booking office are valid and precise.

Ultimate Travel Solutions and its licensors hold all freedoms (counting copyright and patent privileges) as for all product and hidden data and material accessible through A definitive Travel Arrangements site.

Clients should not download or in any case commodity or re-trade any product or hidden data or material accessible through A definitive Travel Arrangements site besides with the composed consent of Ultimate Travel Solutions and in full consistence with all Indian and other pertinent regulations and guidelines, gave, but that any downloading that happens in the typical course of involving A definitive Travel Arrangements site as per the distributed composed directions of Ultimate Travel Solutions will not be precluded Ultimate Travel Solutions site might contain hyperlinks to sites worked by parties other than Ultimate Travel Solutions. Such hyperlinks are accommodated your reference as it were. Ultimate Travel Solutions doesn't control such sites and isn't liable for their content(s). Ultimate Travel Solutions' incorporation of hyperlinks to such sites suggests no support of the material on such sites or any relationship with their administrators. Ultimate Travel Solutions, its parent organization as well as its partners may likewise introduce notices or limited time materials on or through Ultimate Travel Solutions site. Client's support in any limited time occasion is dependent upon the agreements related with that occasion. Client's dealings with, or cooperation in advancements of, any outsider publicists on or through A definitive Travel Arrangements site are exclusively between the Client and such outsider. Client concurs that Ultimate Travel Solutions, its parent organization and additionally its subsidiaries will not be mindful or responsible for any misfortune or harm of any kind brought about as the consequence of any such dealings or as the aftereffect of the presence of such outsiders’ reference on A definitive Travel Arrangements site.

Without restricting any of the disclaimers of guarantee set out in these agreements, Ultimate Travel Solutions gives or makes no portrayal regarding the quality or nature of any of the outsider data, items or administrations gave through A definitive Travel Arrangements site, or some other portrayal, guarantee or certification. Besides, Ultimate Travel Solutions specifically disavows any liability, if such outsider sites:

  • Encroach any outsider's protected innovation freedoms,
  • Give any data which is wrong, deficient or deluding,
  • Are not merchantable or fit for a specific reason,
  • Try not to attempt satisfactory safety efforts,

Contain infections or different things of disastrous nature, or Give any offensive or abusive items or data The data contained or potentially gave in this site is implied exclusively for data purposes and ought not be depended upon for some other utilize at all.

Client's utilization of Ultimate Travel Solutions site is Client's consent to be bound, with practically no alterations or reservations at all, by these agreements, which might be refreshed or changed every once in a while, without notice to the Client. Any change(s) will turn out to be important for these agreements and will apply right away. By proceeding to utilize A definitive Travel Arrangements site after such changes, Client shows acknowledgment of those changes. Client may likewise be expected to re-acknowledge the significantly overhauled agreements to keep on utilizing A definitive Travel Arrangements site.

These agreements are administered by the laws of India. Client thus agrees to the select purview and setting of courts in New Delhi in all questions emerging out of or connecting with the utilization of A definitive Travel Arrangements site. Utilization of A definitive Travel Arrangements site is unapproved in any locale that doesn't give impact to all arrangements of these agreements, including without impediment this passage. Any privileges or consents not explicitly allowed in this are held.

Shipping Policy with the delivery timeline

All records in regards to the Visa will be conveyed in somewhere around 72 hours from the date of report appearance from the department. Any remaining bought reports will be shared through email once 100 percent installment is gotten.

About Us

We are taking this honour to present ourselves as Novel 'Travel Director' in the city of KOLKATA. Everything began with our adoration for voyaging. We are a movement overseeing association with a track demonstrated greatness guarantee individuals’ minutes and spots they would recollect. The field track of our demonstrated greatness throughout the long term and the energy to find obscure outskirts of the main occupied planet in our planetary group named EARTH prompted the rise of Extreme Travel Arrangements promising to give individuals, minutes and spots they would recall through ages.

Reach Us (alongside working location, email ID, and telephone number)

  • Working Location: 8E, James Hickey Sarani, Esplanade, Kolkata, West Bengal 700069.
  • Email ID:
  • Telephone Number: 033 2231 8713


Payment & cancellation Terms:

a. "You"/" Client" signifies the Individual/People in whose name or for whose sake the booking is made b. "We"/" Us"/" Organization" signifies Ultimate Travel SolutionsPvt Ltd. c. "Self-employed entities" signifies Hotelier/Lodging proprietor, Proprietor of any aircraft or delivery organization or Railroad, Ferryboat proprietor/Administrator, Mentor proprietor/Administrator, or some other individual or association who has been chosen by the organization to deliver administrations to the client. d. "Visit Cost" signifies the sum referenced in the Absolute Visit Cost segment in the Booking structure overleaf. HOTELS

All stuff and belongings are consistently and under all conditions your obligation. We won't be capable or at risk in the event of loss of such things from the inn premises/mentor/Air terminal/during movement or spot of visit and so forth. A few lodgings offer the office of safe store storage spaces, which can be profited of by you at your own expense and chance. The organization won't be responsible for any misfortune/burglary from the equivalent. Any harms caused to the lodgings/Mentor/spot of visit and so on during your visit/visit/visit, will be borne and payable by you, and the organization won't be obligated for something very similar. Organization isn't responsible assuming there is unexpected interruption/turmoil of phone, internet providers, and different conveniences while remaining at the lodgings. The organization will likewise be not answerable for the offices gave or not gave in the room/washroom/lodging premises and so on by the Inn or its staff. Impolite or Amateurish way of behaving of lodging staff doesn't go under the immediate domain of the organization and the organization won't be answerable for the equivalent. Offices like scaled down bar, pay TV stations, phone and so on are not free and these offices assuming that utilized by the client must be paid for by the client straightforwardly to the Inn and such charges are excluded from the visit cost. The client should keep the look at in/actually take a look at season of the inn. Any progressions made straight by the inn go under their immediate domain and we won't be responsible for any pay because of this change.


The Organization will, in no conditions at all be obligated to the client or any individual going with him for Loss of Stuff by the Aircraft, Inability to give feast of the clients decision by the Carrier, Overbooking of seats by the Carrier, Disappointment with respect to Carrier to oblige client in spite of having affirmed tickets, Dinners presented by the aircraft/Nature of dinner, Flight delay, assuming the client fails to catch the plane, Changes of flight plan/steering/carrier referenced at the hour of booking. In this condition the articulation 'howsoever cause' remembers resolved carelessness for the piece of any individual. Assuming that if the client is set up for a specific Carrier on a specific date and because of specific reasons past the control of the Organization, the client isn't permitted to get onto the flight, the client will not consider the Organization liable for the equivalent and no case at all can be made by the client against the Organization. Air terminal expenses/Air terminal Improvement Charge as material to be paid over and over the Visit Cost should there be an ascent post the printing of the leaflet. All the booking/crossing out/change of the aircraft ticket and the movement on such carrier ticket will be dependent upon the agreements of separate Aircrafts and the equivalent might be given to the client by the organization upon demand, if accessible.


Organization isn't answerable for any misfortune or harm to individual assets during the stay in the inn or while going in the mentor. Because of robbery or loss of stuff, visit member can stop a grievance with the neighbourhood experts on his/her only watchfulness, cost, chance and results. Mentor/SITTING. The organization won't be answerable for any imperfection in the Mentor or in the Air-conditioner/air-cooler or for the way of behaving of the Driver or the chaperon. We have found it reasonable to work day to day seat revolution on board our mentor, so no seat numbers are apportioned. All stuff and belongings are consistently and in all conditions your obligation.


All administrations, for example, Carrier seats/Inn convenience/ground transportation and so on are pre-impeded well ahead of time. We are as yet at risk to pay to every one of our providers/merchants the concurred charges including punishments, in the event that these administrations are delivered/dropped inside the underneath referenced time period. Assuming conditions make you drop the Visit, the abrogation should be hinted to us recorded as a hard copy. All Undoing will draw in the accompanying Wiping out Charges:
Cancellation Charges per person when a cancellation is Made Charges
Actual Ticket cancellation charge by airline+INR400 SVC+ 18% GST Domestic Ticket
Actual Ticket cancellation charge by airline+INR2000 SVC+ 18% GST International Ticket
Visa Fees Once Paid are non-refundable Visa
Ins Fees Once Paid are non-refundable Insurance
Actual hotel cancellation+10% of actual cost+18% GST DOM/INT Hotel
50% of the total package before 01 Month of travel (*Unless specified otherwise) DOM/INT Hotel
50% of the total package before 01 Month of travel (*Unless specified otherwise) DOM/INT Package
75% of the total package before 15 Days of travel (*Unless specified otherwise) DOM/INT Package
100% of the total package within 15 Days oftravel (*Unless specified otherwise) DOM/INT Package
Actual Cruisecancellation+10% of actual cost+18% GST

The organization maintains all authority to drop any Visit before the take-off, without relegating any explanation. In such an occasion, all monies paid by you will be completely discounted forthwith in Indian Rupees cash just, yet no remuneration will be payable. In the event of travels, 100 percent of the journey cost paid will be relinquished in the event of any abrogation, regardless of season of scratch-off. The organization can't take care of any extra expense or any charges connecting with the issuance and/or undoing of air tickets or different game plans not done through the organization. The organization maintains all authority to relinquish the booking store in the event of any abrogation.


Refunds (If any) for corrections and/or abrogation will be paid straightforwardly to you for appointments made straightforwardly with the organization's office. It would require something like 30 working days to finish up discounts. There are no discounts payable for any unutilized or somewhat used administrations (e.g., Aircraft tickets, Feasts, Extra charges, Discretionary Visit, Inn, Touring and so on. Outsider discount i.e., carriers, journey, abroad providers could take between "30 to 120 working days", gave applicable supporting are given to the Organization.